Anyone who keeps a blog will tell you that it’s bloody hard to keep up with writing in a punctual manner. Travel blogs such as this one are the hardest as you’re constantly distracted and it takes a huge effort to edit all the photos that go into it. But enough with the excuses

Current situation and future plans
Most of you already know that Laura and I already left Australia in November and currently enjoy some time out with our families. Also our arrival in Europe doesn’t mean that any of us have decided to settle down now. We still want to do some more working holidaying. For that, there’s a bit of organizing to do. Visas need to be arranged, our finances and insurances need sorting out as well as many other things that we neglected during our absence.That also includes a good amount of photos from Australia and a good few more stories that I haven’t written down yet. If I get all done alright, next week there will be a new post from Australia’s East Coast and its tropical rain forests.
Until then I wish everyone a Happy new Year 2013!
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